Internet & Climate Change: Cyberinfrastructure for a Carbon-Constrained World from Larry Smarr Slide Presentations | October 30, 2019 Internet & Climate Change: Cyberinfrastructure for a Carbon-Constrained World Invited Talk at Salk Institute Retreat Scripps Seaside Forum, UC San Diego October 30, 2019Read more
The Coupled Climate-Energy System: Limiting Global Climatic Disruption by Revolutionary Change in the Global Energy System from Larry Smarr Slide Presentations | July 23, 2010 The Coupled Climate-Energy System: Limiting Global Climatic Disruption by Revolutionary Change in the Global Energy System Invited Seminar National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Boulder, CORead more
White Papers | July 16, 2010 The Transition To Intelligent, Secure, Low Carbon, And Climate Adaptive Infrastructure: Some Web Resources Larry Smarr, Gregory McRae. Presented to the American-Australian Leadership Dialogue panel on “Smart Infrastructure,” held in New York City. July 16, 2010Read more
The Disruptive Transition to Intelligent, Secure, Low Carbon, and Climate Adaptive Infrastructure from Larry Smarr Slide Presentations | July 16, 2010 The Disruptive Transition to Intelligent, Secure, Low Carbon, and Climate Adaptive Infrastructure Smart Infrastructure Panel Talk American Australian Leadership Dialogue New York City, NYRead more
The Role of University Energy Efficient Cyberinfrastructure in Slowing Climate Change from Larry Smarr Slide Presentations | June 1, 2010 The Role of University Energy Efficient Cyberinfrastructure in Slowing Climate Change Talk to MGT166 Class Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Otterson Hall, Rady School of Management, UCSD La Jolla, CARead more
The Growing Interdependence of the Internet and Climate Change from Larry Smarr Slide Presentations | April 30, 2010 The Growing Interdependence of the Internet and Climate Change Distinguished Lecture Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute University of Utah Salt Lake City, UTRead more