Journal Articles | February 1, 1983 Gravitational waves and red shifts: A space experiment for testing relativistic gravity using multiple time-correlated radio signals Gen. Rel. and Grav., 15, 129-163, with R. F. C. Vessot, C. A. Lundquist, R. Decker and T. Piran. (1983).Read more
Journal Articles | June 1, 1982 The Extended Radio Source In The Center Of M31 R. M. Hjellming and L. Smarr, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 257, L13-L18 (1982).Read more
Journal Articles | April 1, 1982 Dumbbell Galaxies And Precessing Radio Jets A. Wirth, L. Smarr, and J. S. Gallagher Astronomical Journal, 87, 602-615 (1982).Read more