The Evolution of Bits and Bottlenecks in a Scientific Workflow Trying to Keep up With Technology: Accelerating 4D Image Segmentation Applied to NASA data

S. Sellars, J. Graham, D. Mishin, K. Marcus, I. Altintas, T. DeFanti, L. Smarr, C. Crittenden, F. Wuerthwein, J. Tatar, P. Nguyen, E. Shearer, S. Sorooshian, M. Ralph, in Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International eScience Conference (2019).


In 2016, a team of earth scientists directly engaged a team of computer scientists to identify cyberinfrastructure (CI) approaches that would speed up an earth science workflow. This paper describes the evolution of that workflow as the two teams bridged CI and an image segmentation algorithm to do large scale earth science research. The Pacific Research Platform (PRP) and The Cognitive Hardware and Software Ecosystem Community Infrastructure (CHASE-CI) resources were used to significantly decreased the earth science workflow’s wall-clock time from 19.5 days to 53 minutes. The improvement in wall-clock time comes from the use of network appliances, improved image National Science Foundation Award #1730158 and 1541349 segmentation, deployment of a containerized workflow, and the increase in CI experience and training for the earth scientists. This paper presents a description of the evolving innovations used to improve the workflow, bottlenecks identified within each workflow version, and improvements made within each version of the workflow, over a three-year time period.