Journal Articles | October 31, 2019 Optimizing sequencing protocols for leaderboard metagenomics by combining long and short reads As metagenomic studies move to increasing numbers of samples, communities like the human gut may benefit more from the assembly of abundant microbes in many samples, rather than the exhaustive assembly of fewer samples. Read more
Journal Articles | January 15, 2019 Evaluating Metagenomic Prediction of the Metaproteome in a 4.5-Year Study of a Patient with Crohn’s Disease mSystems 4:e00337-18. (2019).Read more
Journal Articles | October 30, 2018 Metagenomics-Based, Strain-Level Analysis of Escherichia coli From a Time-Series of Microbiome Samples From a Crohn’s Disease Patient Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol 9, article 2559. (2018).Read more
Slide Presentations, Video Presentations | July 30, 2008 The Emerging Global Collaboratory for Microbial Metagenomics Researchers Invited Talk Delivered From Calit2@UCSD Monash University MURPA Lecture Melbourne, AustraliaRead more
Journal Articles | July 1, 2008 Building an OptIPlanet collaboratory to support microbial metagenomics Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 25, Issue 2, pp. 124-131. February 2009.Read more
Journal Articles | May 13, 2007 CAMERA: A Community Resource for Metagenomics R. Seshadri, SA Kravitz, L Smarr , Gilna P, M Frazier, PLoS Biol 5(3): e75.(2007).Read more