Climate Change
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Project GreenLight
This project, developing an instrument called GreenLight, measures, monitors, and optimizes the energy consumption of large-scale scientific applications from many different areas.
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The New Role of Science and Engineering in Risk Reduction
This grant funded the development of a computer/information science cyberinfrastructure research agenda within the context of homeland security.The Transition To Intelligent, Secure, Low Carbon, And Climate Adaptive Infrastructure: Some Web Resources
Larry Smarr, Gregory McRae. Presented to the American-Australian Leadership Dialogue panel on “Smart Infrastructure,” held in New York City. July 16, 2010The Growing Interdependence Of The Internet And Climate Change – IEEE Internet Computing Magazine
The paradox of the rapidly expanding use of Internet computing is that it’s becoming a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time, its increased use could help decrease emissions from the building, transportation, and electrical grid sectors. University and college campuses are ideal “living laboratories” for system-level experimentation on how […]Project GreenLight: Optimizing Cyberinfrastructure For A Carbon-Constrained World – IEEE Computer
L. Smarr, IEEE Computer, volume 43, number 1, pp.22-27 (2010).Campuses as Living Laboratories for the Greener Future
B. St. Arnaud, L. Smarr, J. Sheehan, and T. DeFanti, [invited article] EDUCAUSE Review, 44, 14-33 (2009)Climate Change and Higher Education – EDUCAUSE Review
B. St. Arnaud, L. Smarr, J. Sheehan, and T. DeFanti, [invited article] EDUCAUSE Review, 44, 14-33 (2009)Greening the Internet in a Carbon-Constrained World – Xconomy
This year marks a turning point in the debate on global climate change. The focus of the discussion is rapidly moving from a scientific analysis of how human activity affects climate change to a political process on how best to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.Digital Infrastructure In A Carbon-Constrained World
Larry Smarr, Tom DeFanti, Jerry Sheehan, Rod Tucker, Bill St Arnaud. Presented at Australian American West Coast Leadership Dialogue, January 15, 2009Internet & Climate Change: Cyberinfrastructure for a Carbon-Constrained World
Invited Talk at Salk Institute Retreat Scripps Seaside Forum, UC San Diego October 30, 2019The Coupled Climate-Energy System: Limiting Global Climatic Disruption by Revolutionary Change in the Global Energy System
Invited Seminar National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Boulder, COThe Disruptive Transition to Intelligent, Secure, Low Carbon, and Climate Adaptive Infrastructure
Smart Infrastructure Panel Talk American Australian Leadership Dialogue New York City, NYThe Role of University Energy Efficient Cyberinfrastructure in Slowing Climate Change
Talk to MGT166 Class Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Otterson Hall, Rady School of Management, UCSD La Jolla, CAThe Growing Interdependence of the Internet and Climate Change
Distinguished Lecture Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute University of Utah Salt Lake City, UTThe Energy Efficient Cyberinfrastructure in Slowing Climate Change
Invited Speaker Community Alliance for Distributed Energy Resources Scripps Forum, UCSD La Jolla, CAThe Role of University Energy Efficient Cyberinfrastructure in Slowing Climate Change
Energy Leadership Lecture The Institute for Energy Efficiency University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CAHow PRAGMA Can Help Save the Planet
Banquet Keynote Speech Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA) 18 Birch Aquarium, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD La Jolla, CAA Brief History of Earth’s Climate Change
Invited Talk Youth Leadership Dialogue Australian American Leadership Dialogue Stanford University Palo Alto, CASensornets and Global Change
Invited Talk Greenovation Forum: Sensing and Sustainability La Jolla, CAEnhanced Telepresence and Green IT — The Next Evolution in the Internet
Distinguished Research Lecture Cisco Research Center San Jose, CA September 24, 2009Larry Smarr Speaks To UC San Diego New Arrivals
Internet pioneer Larry Smarr reminded a crowd of more than 4,000 freshmen and transfer students that they will be on the front lines of one of the greatest challenges of our time: Global climate disruption, which could lead to a doubling of carbon dioxide levels by the end of this century.The Growing Interdependence of the Internet and Climate Change
Invited Talk MITRE Innovation Speaker Series McLean, VAUniversities as “Smart Cities” in a Globally Connected World – How Will They be Transformed?
Invited Talk Monash University ITS Strategic Planning Session RE-INVENT to RE-POSITION - TRANSFORMED BY ICT Melbourne, AustraliaThe Growing Interdependence of the Internet and Climate Change
Invited Talk Negotiating the Downturn: Emerging Stronger Australian Industry Group National Forum Parliament House Canberra, AustraliaProject GreenLight: Optimizing Cyberinfrastructure for a Carbon Constrained World
Keynote Talk for the Joint 33rd IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference COMPSAC 2009 and the 9th Annual International Symposium on Applications and the Internet SAINT 2009 Seattle, WAData Intensive Applications at UCSD: Driving a Campus Research Cyberinfrastructure
Invited Talk UCSD Administrative Computing and Telecommunications (ACT) Strategic Planning Retreat July 10, 2009Can a Greener Internet Help Us Moderate Climate Change?
High Definition Remote Presentation to the Monash Undergraduate Research Projects Abroad (MURPA) Program, located at Monash University, Australia La Jolla, CASustainability Requires Green Cyberinfrastructure
Invited Talk UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering Council of Advisors Sustainability Requires Green Cyberinfrastructure La Jolla, CACan a Greener Internet Help Us Moderate Climate Change?
Calit2 / Institute for the Future Strategic Planning Retreat on Green IT La Jolla, CACan a Greener Internet Help Us Moderate Climate Change?
Invited Talk Computational Research in Boston Seminar Series MIT Boston, MADigital Infrastructure in a Carbon-Constrained World
Invited Talk SciPM 2009 Workshop on the Science of Power Management Arlington, VASan Diego Science Festival – Nifty Fifty
Larry Smarr’s San Diego Science Festival PresentationDigital Infrastructure in a Carbon-Constrained World
Invited Presentation to the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP) National Academy of Sciences Irvine, CADigital Infrastructure in a Carbon Constrained World – AALD Lecture – Stanford University
Invited Presentation to the West Coast Leadership Dialogue Stanford University Palo Alto, CAToward Greener Cyberinfrastructure
Invited Lecture to the Green IT Workshop Canada-California Strategic Innovation Partnership Palo Alto, CA
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